Woman skiing with her toddler

Getting kids outside to play is important for their physical health, cognitive development, and emotional well-being. However, with so many screens and indoor distractions, it can be challenging to get kids outside and engaged in outdoor activities. In this blog post, we’ll discuss 40 fun and engaging things to do outside with your young kids to help them develop a love for the great outdoors.

1. Go on a nature scavenger hunt

Nature scavenger hunts are a great way to get kids excited about exploring the outdoors. You can create a list of items for your kids to find, such as leaves, rocks, and flowers, and then head out to your local park or nature reserve to search for them.

2. Play a game of tag

Tag is a classic outdoor game that never gets old. It’s a great way to get your kids running around and burning off some energy. Plus, it’s easy to play and can be adapted for kids of all ages.

3. Have a picnic

Pack a basket with your kids’ favorite snacks and head to a local park or nature reserve for a picnic. It’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors while also enjoying some tasty treats.

4. Plant a garden

Gardening is a great way to teach kids about responsibility and the importance of taking care of plants. You can start by planting some easy-to-grow herbs or vegetables in a small garden bed or container.

5. Go for a bike ride

Riding bikes is a great way to explore your local neighborhood or park. It’s also a fun way to get some exercise and fresh air.

6. Fly a kite

Kite flying is a fun and relaxing outdoor activity that kids of all ages can enjoy. You can buy a kite or make your own with some basic materials like paper, string, and bamboo sticks.

7. Play catch

Playing catch is a great way to improve hand-eye coordination and get some exercise. It’s also a fun way to bond with your kids.

8. Go on a nature walk

Take a leisurely stroll through your local park or nature reserve and explore the flora and fauna around you. You can point out different plants and animals to your kids and teach them about their characteristics.

9. Build a sandcastle

If you live near a beach or have access to a sandbox, building a sandcastle can be a fun and creative outdoor activity for kids of all ages.

10. Have a water balloon fight

On a hot summer day, a water balloon fight can be a fun and refreshing way to cool off. Just be sure to set some ground rules to keep the game safe and fun for everyone.

11. Go on a camping trip

Camping is a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in nature. Even a one-night camping trip can be a memorable experience for kids.

12. Paint with sidewalk chalk

Sidewalk chalk is a versatile outdoor activity that can be used to create everything from hopscotch to murals. You can also use it to play games like tic-tac-toe or hangman.

13. Play in the sprinklers

If you don’t have a pool, playing in the sprinklers can be a fun and refreshing way to cool off on a hot summer day.

14. Go on a bike hike

A bike hike is a combination of biking and hiking, where you ride your bikes to a nearby trailhead and then hike the rest of the way to your destination. It’s a great way to get some exercise and explore the great outdoors.

15. Build a fort

Building a fort out of branches, sticks, and leaves is a fun and creative way to spend an afternoon outside. You can also use blankets and sheets to make an indoor fort if the weather

If the weather doesn’t permit building an outdoor fort, you can always bring the fun indoors by building a fort using blankets, sheets, and pillows. Set up a cozy spot in your living room or playroom and let your kids’ imaginations run wild.

16. Play with bubbles

Blowing and chasing bubbles is a simple yet enjoyable activity for kids of all ages. You can make your own bubble solution using dish soap and water, or purchase a bubble wand and solution at a toy store.

17. Go on a hike

Hiking is a great way to explore nature and get some exercise. There are many kid-friendly hiking trails that you can find in your area, and you can make it a fun learning experience by teaching your kids about the different plants and animals that you encounter along the way.

18. Have a bonfire and make s’mores

If you have a fire pit or access to a public bonfire area, having a bonfire and making s’mores can be a fun and tasty outdoor activity. Just be sure to supervise your kids around the fire and follow all safety guidelines.

19. Play frisbee

Frisbee is a fun and active outdoor game that can be played with kids of all ages. It’s a great way to improve hand-eye coordination and get some exercise.

20. Go on a nature photography scavenger hunt

Similar to a regular scavenger hunt, a nature photography scavenger hunt involves searching for specific items in nature and taking pictures of them. You can create a list of items for your kids to find, such as a butterfly, a flower, or a bird, and then let them use a digital camera or smartphone to take pictures of their finds.

21. Play on a playground

Most local parks have playgrounds that are free and open to the public. Let your kids climb, slide, and swing to their heart’s content while you relax on a nearby bench.

22. Have a game of hopscotch

Hopscotch is a classic outdoor game that requires only a piece of chalk and a flat surface to play on. You can draw the hopscotch grid on your driveway or sidewalk and challenge your kids to a game.

23. Play hide and seek

Hide and seek is a fun and easy game that can be played indoors or outdoors. It’s a great way to improve problem-solving skills and promote physical activity.

24. Have a water gun fight

Similar to a water balloon fight, a water gun fight can be a fun way to cool off on a hot summer day. Just be sure to set some ground rules to keep the game safe and fair for everyone.

25. Play in the snow

If you live in an area that gets snow, there are plenty of outdoor activities that you can enjoy with your kids, such as sledding, building a snowman, or having a snowball fight.

26. Go fishing

Fishing is a fun and relaxing outdoor activity that can teach kids about patience, perseverance, and the importance of conservation. You can start by fishing in a local pond or lake and work your way up to more challenging environments.

27. Have a scavenger hunt at the farmer’s market

Many local farmer’s markets offer scavenger hunts for kids that involve searching for specific fruits, vegetables, and other items. It’s a fun and educational way to teach your kids about healthy eating and support local farmers.

28. Have a picnic in your backyard

If you don’t have access to a local park or nature reserve, you can still enjoy the great outdoors by having a picnic in your backyard. Spread out a blanket, pack some snacks, and let your kids enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

29. Go bird watching

Bird watching is a peaceful and educational outdoor activity that can teach kids about different species, thier habitats, and behaviors. You can start by purchasing a bird identification guide and a pair of binoculars, and then find a local park or nature reserve with a bird watching trail. Encourage your kids to observe and record the birds they see, and make it a fun challenge to spot as many different species as possible.

30. Play a game of soccer

Soccer is a fun and active team sport that can be enjoyed by kids of all ages. Set up a makeshift soccer field in your backyard or head to a local park to play a game with your kids.

31. Go on a bike ride

Riding bikes is a great way to explore your neighborhood and get some exercise. You can start by teaching your kids how to ride a bike with training wheels, and then work your way up to longer rides on bike trails or around your community.

32. Play a game of tag

Tag is a classic outdoor game that requires no equipment and can be played with kids of all ages. It’s a great way to promote physical activity and social interaction.

33. Have a water balloon fight in a kiddie pool

A water balloon fight is a fun and refreshing way to cool off on a hot summer day. Fill up some water balloons and let your kids have a blast throwing them at each other.

34. Go to a local farm

Many local farms offer tours and educational activities for kids, such as picking fruits and vegetables, feeding farm animals, and learning about sustainable agriculture. It’s a great way to teach your kids about where their food comes from and support local farmers.

35. Have a backyard campout

If you don’t have the time or resources for a full-fledged camping trip, you can still enjoy the outdoors by having a backyard campout. Set up a tent, build a campfire, and let your kids experience the fun of camping in a safe and controlled environment.

36. Play a game of kickball

Kickball is a fun and active outdoor game that can be enjoyed by kids of all ages. Set up a makeshift kickball field in your backyard or head to a local park to play a game with your kids.

37. Go on a nature walk

Taking a leisurely walk through a local park or nature reserve can be a great way to observe and appreciate the natural world with your kids. Encourage them to collect and examine interesting rocks, leaves, and other natural objects.

38. Have a backyard obstacle course

Set up an obstacle course in your backyard using items such as hula hoops, cones, and jump ropes. Encourage your kids to navigate the course as quickly and skillfully as possible.

39. Play a game of horseshoes

Horseshoes is a fun and easy outdoor game that can be enjoyed by kids of all ages. Set up a makeshift horseshoe pit in your backyard or head to a local park to play a game with your kids.

40. Go on a nature scavenger hunt

Similar to a nature photography scavenger hunt, a nature scavenger hunt involves searching for specific items in nature, such as rocks, leaves, and animal tracks. You can create a list of items for your kids to find, and then let them explore and collect their finds.

In conclusion, there are many fun and engaging outdoor activities that you can enjoy with your young kids. Whether you’re playing in the backyard, exploring nature, or heading to a local park or farm, these activities can promote physical activity, social interaction, and learning. By spending quality time with your kids outdoors, you can create lasting memories and strengthen your family bonds.

Additionally, these outdoor activities can have a positive impact on your children’s mental and physical health. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood and cognitive function, and increase physical activity levels. By encouraging your kids to spend time outside and participate in outdoor activities, you are promoting their overall well-being.

It’s important to remember that outdoor activities don’t have to be complicated or expensive. Many of the activities listed above can be done with little or no equipment, and can be adapted to fit your family’s schedule and budget. The key is to prioritize outdoor time and make it a regular part of your family’s routine.

In summary, spending time outdoors with your young kids can be a fun and rewarding experience for everyone involved. It provides an opportunity to connect with nature, promote physical activity, and create lasting memories with your family. So next time you’re looking for something to do with your kids, consider heading outside and exploring all the amazing things the natural world has to offer.