Sansevieria Fernwood Photo by PM Shamika via Unsplash

Nevada County, California is a beautiful place to live, but it can get quite chilly during the winter months. If you have a garden or outdoor plants, it’s important to protect them from the cold when the temperature drops below 32 degrees. Here are some tips to help you protect your frost-tender plants and keep them healthy during the winter.

Cover plants with blankets or tarps:

When the temperature drops, cover your plants with blankets or tarps to protect them from frost. This will help to trap the warmth and prevent the frost from settling on the leaves. However, be sure to remove the coverings during the day to allow the plants to receive sunlight.

Use frost cloth:

Frost cloth is a lightweight fabric that allows sunlight and air to pass through while protecting your plants from frost. It is available at most garden centers and is an effective way to protect your plants.

Water your plants:

Watering your plants before a frost can help to protect them by increasing the moisture in the air and soil. The moisture will help to insulate the plants and keep them warm.

Move plants indoors:

If possible, move your plants indoors to protect them from the cold. This is especially important for tropical plants that are not accustomed to cold temperatures.

Use mulch:

Mulch is a great way to protect your plants from frost. It helps to insulate the soil and retain heat, which can help to protect the roots of your plants.

Use heat lamps:

If you have small plants or potted plants, you can use heat lamps to protect them from the cold. Be sure to keep the lamps away from the plants to avoid burning them.

In conclusion, protecting frost-tender plants when the temperature falls below 32 degrees is essential to keep your plants healthy and beautiful. With these tips, you can protect your plants and enjoy a beautiful garden all year round!