path through the forest on a path

As a single mom, it can be challenging to find time for yourself, let alone for outdoor recreation. However, getting out in nature and enjoying activities like hiking, camping, and kayaking can be an excellent way to decompress, boost your physical and mental health, and bond with your kids. In this blog post, we will explore some tips and strategies for single moms looking to do outdoor recreation.

Choose family-friendly activities

When planning your outdoor recreation activities, it’s essential to consider the age and interests of your children. You want to choose activities that are family-friendly and accessible to everyone. For example, younger children may enjoy activities like hiking, biking, and fishing, while older children may be interested in more challenging activities like rock climbing, kayaking, or camping.

Plan ahead

As a single mom, planning ahead is crucial to ensure your outdoor recreation activities run smoothly. Make sure to research your chosen activity and the area where you plan to go. Check the weather, trail conditions, and park rules, and prepare for any potential hazards or challenges.

It’s also essential to pack all the necessary gear and supplies for your outing. This includes appropriate clothing and footwear, food and water, first aid supplies, and any gear specific to your activity, like fishing rods, camping gear, or climbing equipment.

Look for support and community

Outdoor recreation can be a great opportunity to connect with other single moms or families with similar interests. Look for local groups or clubs that offer outdoor activities for families, or consider joining a social media group dedicated to outdoor recreation.

By connecting with other parents who share your love of the outdoors, you can find support, advice, and companionship while enjoying fun activities with your kids.

Prioritize safety

Outdoor recreation can be an excellent way to have fun and bond with your children, but safety should always be a top priority. When planning your activity, make sure to choose a location and activity that is appropriate for your children’s age and skill level.

Always wear appropriate safety gear, including helmets, life jackets, and appropriate footwear. If you’re hiking, make sure to stick to marked trails and be aware of any potential hazards like steep cliffs, loose rocks, or wildlife.

Keep it simple

When planning your outdoor recreation activity, keep it simple. Don’t try to tackle too much at once, and make sure to choose activities that are manageable for you and your children. For example, if you’re new to camping, start with a short weekend trip to a nearby campground instead of a week-long backcountry trip.

By keeping it simple and manageable, you can reduce stress and make sure that everyone has a fun and enjoyable experience.

Embrace the unexpected

No matter how well you plan, unexpected things can happen when you’re outdoors. Whether it’s a sudden rainstorm or a flat tire on your bike, it’s essential to be flexible and adapt to the situation.

Instead of getting frustrated, embrace the unexpected and use it as an opportunity to teach your children important life skills like problem-solving, resilience, and adaptability.

Take advantage of technology

Technology can be a useful tool when it comes to outdoor recreation. Use apps like AllTrails to find local hiking trails or Google Maps to navigate to your campsite. You can also use GPS devices to track your location and make sure you’re staying on the right trail.

Just make sure to keep your phone charged and bring a backup power source like a portable charger or solar panel.

Make it educational

Outdoor recreation can be an excellent opportunity to teach your children about nature, wildlife, and conservation. Use your time outdoors to point out interesting plants and animals, discuss the importance of conservation, and teach your children how to respect the environment.

You can also use outdoor recreation as a way to teach your children important life skills like navigation, first aid, and wilderness survival. By making your outings educational, you can create a fun and memorable experience for your children while also helping them develop important skills and knowledge.

Take breaks and rest

When you’re outdoors, it’s essential to take breaks and rest as needed. Make sure to bring enough food and water to keep everyone hydrated and energized. Take breaks to rest, have a snack, and enjoy the scenery. Don’t push yourself or your children too hard, and be mindful of any signs of fatigue or exhaustion.

Have fun!

Finally, the most important tip for doing outdoor recreation as a single mom is to have fun! Enjoy the time with your children and make memories that will last a lifetime. Don’t worry too much about things going exactly as planned or being perfect – the most important thing is to get outside, have fun, and enjoy the beauty of nature with your family.


Doing outdoor recreation as a single mom can be challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. By choosing family-friendly activities, planning ahead, prioritizing safety, and taking advantage of technology, you can create fun and memorable experiences for you and your children.

Remember to keep it simple, embrace the unexpected, and make it educational. And most importantly, have fun and enjoy the time with your children in the great outdoors.